
A Nation Beguiled

As you probably know, I have stopped publishing Anna’s articles because of my memory recall problems.

But that’s not all I have lost and I regret the loss of my involvement in her regeneration of America States.

This is a test article to see if I can recover how to publish an article.


To Anna Von Reitz


The first real American!

Of all the articles concerning the growth of America, Anna Von Reitz is undoubtedly the most intelligent author in America. I say that because of the common sense of history she has written. No One I have read comes close to her inflatable verbiage.

Every article she has written is the result of an incredible memory and knowledge or this countries history.

You would do well to read every article she has written, and memorize the content.

America is not just another country, it is the anatomy of world structure, and those who do not have the intelligence to understand her history of America have not the memory recall of high-school education.

If you have any heart felt emotion about the incredible construction of America, by all means read every word she has written.

She is incredibly astute at verbalizing our countries history.




This is a test to confirm a transfer of body.

07 11 21 The Bilateral Banking System 2 0



By Anna Von Reitz

In these first forays into the actual topic, it is important to establish the history and background for the discussion, because much of this is unknown to the man on the street and is fundamental to an understanding of how we got into this mess in the first place. 

The concept of money, that is, that a coin could “stand for” a bushel of wheat or a bale of cotton, started in Babylon thousands of years ago.  This was initially a token system.  The Queen of Babylon basically said, instead of moving bushels of wheat and bales of cotton around, we are going to use these little round pieces of metal stamped with an image of wheat baskets or cotton balls to represent these things.  And by royal decree, these coins will entitle the Bearer to either a bushel of wheat or a bale of cotton from our storehouses. One wheat coin equals one bushel of wheat.  One cotton coin equals one bale of cotton. 

So it began. 

Such token systems are still in use today, though we use paper receipts called coupons and vouchers instead of coins stamped with an image of the commodity.  Such systems maintain a direct relationship of the token to the item specified.  

A coupon giving you a dollar off the price of a three pound can of Folgers brand coffee can’t be cashed in against a three pound can of Kirkland brand Coffee. 

A voucher issued during World War II for a pound of butter was good for a pound of butter regardless of brand name or source, but was still only “good for” a pound of butter, and the butter was doled out at a requisition center run by the military to make sure that the butter vouchers were being matched up with butter in the correct quantities.  

The problem with such systems, despite their item-by-item utility, is that you have to have a separate coin, a coupon, a voucher, etc., standing for each and every item (Folgers coffee) or class of items (butter). 

At the dawn of the modern era, this specificity of tokens became a real pain in the butt for certain international merchants in the city of Venice. 

Unlike former eras when an olive oil merchant was an olive oil merchant, the merchants of Venice were trading in hundreds of different commodities arriving daily from around the world.  What to do?  Issue coins or separate printed receipts for bolts of silk from China, nutmeg from India, salt from Switzerland…. and so on and on?  

And then, once these coins made it back to the warehouse, how to guarantee a match-up between the coin and the goods that coin was issued against?  

Perishable items were especially difficult to deal with in a token system, and, given the increasing distance between active trading centers (Venice was now trading with Hamburg and Moscow, not just local trade centers in the Mediterranean), the time between issuance of a token for butter and collection of the butter by a buyer could be months instead of days. This required the merchant to always have a considerable storage of any given commodity on hand to back any “run” on that commodity by the token-holders. 

This is exactly similar to what happens with a bank run today, only instead of people all trying to get cash out of the bank on the same day and potentially exhausting the bank’s cash supplies, the merchants of Venice faced this same dilemma with dozens of commodities, all of which had to be warehoused and stored against such an eventuality. 

Then one day, don Giovanni di Marcos (note the name) had a brilliant idea. Instead of issuing all these specific tokens against specific commodities, why not issue non-specific tokens, all based on the value of a “standard commodity” like gold?  

The modern concept of money was born. 

Soon, the merchants of Venice were heaving a sigh of relief. Not only were people accepting the gold coins in exchange for goods in general, they were accepting them in exchange for services as well.  Soon, producing the gold coins stamped with the City of Venice Coat of Arms became a whole separate business; in fact, there was such demand for this new commodity that the price of gold was forced upward, simply because gold was used to make the coins. 

Other cities and royal houses quickly joined the bandwagon and began issuing their own coinage, stamped with their particular maker’s marks. These “currencies” soon acquired their own brand names — the Spanish Dollar, the Portuguese Real, the German-Swiss-French Francs, the Polish Croner, the British Pound Sterling, and so on, were all born in short order, and entered “the Money Market” as competitive commodities. 

Currencies differed not only in content (gold or silver) but in quality (purity of gold or silver) and consistency (could you count on the content and purity?) and buying power.  A mythos soon attached to each brand, and competitive elements beyond just the content and purity of physical metal entered into it, similar to the eternal battles between Pepsi and Coke, Nike and Converse, John Deere and International Harvester, the American Dollar against the French Franc, and so on. 

As the years have gone on and the distance between trading centers has continued to increase until every Mom and Pop store on the planet is connected potentially to every other store via the mail and other transport systems, currencies have become more and more symbolic, changing form from actual precious metal to certificates representing precious metals to promissory notes representing indebtedness to digits on a ledger. 

This is, of course, all increasingly arbitrary and increasingly detached from physical reality.  

And therein lies the rub. 

Back in Babylon there was a one-to-one relationship between a bushel of wheat in a warehouse and a little gold coin stamped with a picture of a bushel of wheat.   Now there is no necessary connection between a piece of paper called a “dollar” or a “ruble” and any physical commodity at all, much less any consideration of the purity and content of any physical commodity. 

The American Silver Dollar is still a one ounce coin of stamped fine silver, but the USD is a piece of paper issued by commercial subcontractors of the American Government as a debt note against their employers, purportedly for unpaid services rendered. 

These pikers have built up an astronomical claim of debt against their employers, simply by not allowing their employers to offset this debt against what the Federal Subcontractors owe in return. 

Such offset was guaranteed under the National Emergency Banking Act of 1934 and defined as a “Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption”— which the same villains have avoided paying all these years by a simple crime of impersonation and false registration of their American Employers as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and dual Municipal citizens of the United States, too. 

What, you may ask, is a MOCEE?  It’s what happens when two people owe each other debts, and swap the debts.  You owe me a hundred dollars.  I owe you ten dollars.  So, instead of paying you, I say, okay, now you only owe me ninety dollars. That’s a MOCEE and that option of paying public debts is what Americans have been owed since 1934. 

The essence of the crime against the American People is to deny them their offset credit option based on the self-interested and fraudulent legal presumption that all the Americans chose en masse to become British Subjects, and therefore are owed no Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption.  

We are here to tell you that no, we are all still Americans, we are owed our Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions, and no, we didn’t magically become British Territorial Citizens simply because the Queen’s flunkies went around the country misidentifying and secretively registering us as such— while on our payroll. 

Not only do we not owe $25 T of debt to the British Crown Corp and the Pope, but they owe us a vast deal more than that, even after we offset that entire amount. 

According to the books kept on this subject, and just as an example, they owe me, personally, slightly more than twelve billion dollars of credit, compared to fifty million dollars of debt.  And that is without arguing the details. 

So, who is the Priority Creditor and who is the actual Debtor? 

The entire British Empire and the Holy See are the Debtors, and the Americans are the Creditors who have been cheated out of their remedy and extorted to extend “infinite credit” to these same criminal elements. 

This is the filthy dishonorable trick that the Holy See and the British Crown and the British Government in sum total, have played on their loyal Allies, the Americans. 

They couldn’t even be decent enough to provide the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption they promised as the remedy for their theft of our gold, silver, labor, land, and other assets taken illegally and managed “for” us under their “custodianship”.  

Faced with the bill for all this fraud and crime, all they could come up with was an insurance fraud scheme to cash in on the life insurance policies they took out on all of us, to the tune of $950 Trillion dollars of profit as “Life Force Value Annuities” paid out to Prince Philip by the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA in April of 2017 — and, for which, they presumably guaranteed to kill us, their Priority Creditors — all according to Prince Philip’s stated wish, to become a “loathsome virus” after his death and kill off most of the human race. 

He got his wish — so far.  The Pirbright Institute owns the patent. 

Pay attention: in April 2017, Prince Philip collected the insurance scam money — $950 T in Life Force Value Annuities, and this year the Old Scratch finally, officially, died (though we don’t necessarily believe that) and, like magic, millions of Americans and Europeans are being vaccinated against a loathsome virus that, curiously, has never been isolated.  

But, heads up to the insurance companies worldwide. We aren’t the only ones being destroyed and bilked for these crimes. You are, too. 

And, heads up to the rest of the people in this world.  We aren’t the only ones who stand to take it in the shorts for these criminals.  You are, too. 

Everything that goes around, comes around. 

We weren’t swift enough to realize that instead of abolishing slavery, the Vermin institutionalized it via the bogus Fourteenth Amendment included in their corporation’s disguised charter, named after The Constitution of the United States of America.   

The so-called Negro Citizenship was eventually, and with malice, secretively applied to every American by these international criminals, and so, by legal fiat and slight of hand, they have milked and bilked and now propose to use medicine and patents and insurance fraud as a means to profit themselves via the deaths of their Priority Creditors. 

It’s important for the rest of the world to note that you are all next on their platter, especially the Chinese.  

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

07 01 21 Reposts in Support



Over the years I have developed my own network of news sources that I consider more accurate and far, far more trustworthy than the Mainstream news, and also much better on average than the Alternative News offerings, which tend to be undisciplined and easily swayed by profit motives.

This isn’t so much a criticism of Alternative News as it is an observation — simply because Alternative News is always back-to-the-wall trying to survive, it is susceptible to sponsor bias and doesn’t always meet my desired standards.

I have often recommended Jon Rappoport’s blog as a source of meaty and well-informed Old School Journalism.

For those looking for the comforts of an old-fashioned newspaper, I recommend The Epoch Times, which tries (and seldom fails) to maintain an even-handed presentation of the news and views.

And recently, some new gems have come across my desk. I share them with you as support for what we’ve been reporting for some months now — the existence of a high-level corporate crime scheme aimed at creating a form of Corporate Feudalism, complete with trans-human serfs.

The first repost is about as factual as it gets in terms of lining out the who’s who of those responsible for the development of the man-made virus and I repost it for those who are just getting up to date— with thanks to Tuberose:

“Great Britain’s Serco Group approved the patent filing for the Chinese Virus a full 17 months before it first appeared, and the entities listed as its creators are many of the usual suspects: DARPA, Bill and Melinda Gates, Defra, the Wellcome Trust and the European Commission.

A filing with the United States Patent Office also lists The Pirbright Institute as a funder of the Wuhan Flu. Pirbright, is directly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates “nonprofit.”

That patent, dated for approval Nov. 20, 2018, clearly states that the “assignee” of “coronavirus” is “THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (Woking, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU.”

This patent was filed on Jan. 23, 2017, which actually means that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was drummed up almost three years prior to when the news started reporting on its spread in Wuhan, and later throughout the rest of the world…”

The second comes from Bishop Max Ard and is the most complete popular, that is, non-legalese, but fully documented report on the evidence so far compiled to demonstrate that we are not just blowing smoke and spinning tales.

For anyone who has any doubts left that this entire horror show has been pre-planned, pre-announced, and deliberately unleashed — this will leave you with no more “wish it weren’t true” escape routes:


Thank you, Bishop Max. This information puts it all in perspective.

We, at the American States Assembly, have already taken first-step action to moderate the damage by outlawing attempts to brand vaccinated people as trans-humans and abuse patent privileges to enslave them. Please, take a few minutes to educate yourselves and then, protect yourselves and your families.

This is a full-on attack against humanity by corporate interests — planned for years, implemented without mercy, propagandized to the hilt, and now being recognized for what it is: crimes against humanity.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 26 21 Don’t die dumb, If you are old, make sure you read these.


Severe weaknesses in the financial health of the nation’s public retirement systems rank as yet another force currently buffeting state and local government finances. Further compounding the problems faced by these public retirement funds are the following developments: the precarious financial position of private sector pensions and the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation; the looming shortfalls expected in the Social Security and Medicare programs in coming decades; and the low personal savings rates of most Americans, coupled with the high rates of consumer and household debt. Given that the baby boomer generation is rapidly nearing retirement age and that America’s senior population is growing faster than the number of younger workers needed to cover their retirement needs, policy-makers across the country are paying a great deal of attention to this unfortunate confluence of events.

Policy & Research

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BOS 2003

BOS 2002

BOS 2000-2001

CSG is pleased to announce that the entire archive of The Book of the States dating back to 1935 is now available online in its entirety.  As the introduction to the 1937 volume explains, “The Council of State Governments hopes that you will enjoy it; the Council knows that it can be useful to you.”
Since 1933, The Council of State Governments has served as a resource for state leaders and a catalyst for innovation and excellence in state governance.  Just two years after its founding, CSG published the first volume of The Book of the States. For 78 years, The Book of the States has remained a reference tool of choice, providing relevant, accurate and timely information about the states and territories.

For its first 65 years, The Book of the States was published on a biennial basis.  In 2002, CSG began publishing the book annually to better capture the pace of change and policy enactments of state governments.  In 2010, CSG took this format shift to the next evolutionary level by making the entire book available online in an electronic format through the organization’s Knowledge Center.  Volumes from 2010 to the present can be found at www.csg.org/bookofthestates.



Book of the States 2011, Chapter 4: State Executive Branch


Audrey Wall


Friday, July 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Chapter 4 of the 2011 Book of the States contains the following articles and tables:

The Resurgence of Crystal Meth: Trends and State Responses


Jeremy Williams


Friday, July 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Crystal methamphetamine, perhaps one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs in existence, has continuously plagued rural and urban regions of the country for the last three decades. States have attempted to address the growing production and distribution of the drug, along with the destructive repercussions it has wrought in the lives of those who have become addicted to it, largely through tougher laws that restrict the sale of precursor drugs used in meth production. While these measures have been as a whole effective in temporarily reducing the production of crystal meth, producers have found new ways of circumventing existing laws. For this reason, states are examining new and innovative ways to combat this terrible drug.

Trends in Public Retirement Systems: Stresses in the System


Sujit CanagaRetna



06 26 21 Don’t die dumb, If you are old, make sure you read these.


Severe weaknesses in the financial health of the nation’s public retirement systems rank as yet another force currently buffeting state and local government finances. Further compounding the problems faced by these public retirement funds are the following developments: the precarious financial position of private sector pensions and the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation; the looming shortfalls expected in the Social Security and Medicare programs in coming decades; and the low personal savings rates of most Americans, coupled with the high rates of consumer and household debt. Given that the baby boomer generation is rapidly nearing retirement age and that America’s senior population is growing faster than the number of younger workers needed to cover their retirement needs, policy-makers across the country are paying a great deal of attention to this unfortunate confluence of events.

Policy & Research

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  3. Book of the States

BOS Archive

BOS 2012

BOS 2011

BOS 2010

BOS 2009

BOS 2008

BOS 2007

BOS 2006

BOS 2005

BOS 2004

BOS 2003

BOS 2002

BOS 2000-2001

CSG is pleased to announce that the entire archive of The Book of the States dating back to 1935 is now available online in its entirety.  As the introduction to the 1937 volume explains, “The Council of State Governments hopes that you will enjoy it; the Council knows that it can be useful to you.”
Since 1933, The Council of State Governments has served as a resource for state leaders and a catalyst for innovation and excellence in state governance.  Just two years after its founding, CSG published the first volume of The Book of the States. For 78 years, The Book of the States has remained a reference tool of choice, providing relevant, accurate and timely information about the states and territories.

For its first 65 years, The Book of the States was published on a biennial basis.  In 2002, CSG began publishing the book annually to better capture the pace of change and policy enactments of state governments.  In 2010, CSG took this format shift to the next evolutionary level by making the entire book available online in an electronic format through the organization’s Knowledge Center.  Volumes from 2010 to the present can be found at www.csg.org/bookofthestates.



Book of the States 2011, Chapter 4: State Executive Branch


Audrey Wall


Friday, July 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Chapter 4 of the 2011 Book of the States contains the following articles and tables:

The Resurgence of Crystal Meth: Trends and State Responses


Jeremy Williams


Friday, July 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Crystal methamphetamine, perhaps one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs in existence, has continuously plagued rural and urban regions of the country for the last three decades. States have attempted to address the growing production and distribution of the drug, along with the destructive repercussions it has wrought in the lives of those who have become addicted to it, largely through tougher laws that restrict the sale of precursor drugs used in meth production. While these measures have been as a whole effective in temporarily reducing the production of crystal meth, producers have found new ways of circumventing existing laws. For this reason, states are examining new and innovative ways to combat this terrible drug.

Trends in Public Retirement Systems: Stresses in the System


Sujit CanagaRetna







I want to thank all of you who have studied Anna’s articles and pray that you help her and Paul continue getting the word out before it’s too late. I have become too old to remember yesterday’s date.






06 19 21 The Importance of Identity





By Anna Von Reitz

We have often discussed the fact that your name is not you. It is a possession, like a chest of drawers or a bicycle, that is given to you as you start your life— but, it is important to understand that you, yourself, are nameless.

You’ve simply been given a name to use, like a bathrobe or refrigerator, while you are here, incarnate. You could be a Genevieve as easily as a Jane or a Ruth or a Rebecca. It’s totally an arbitrary choice your parents make, whether you are a Joe, a Chad, or a Moon Doggy or a set of initials like “RD”.

This is why a name in legal terminology is sometimes called an appurtenance or utility or some other description suggesting that it is a tool, because it is.

As the CB radio talk goes, it’s a “handle”. It’s a means to grab hold of you in more ways than one, but more even more importantly, a name is too often used to limit and define you and to pretend to make you into other things as well.

Oh, so you are Joe, the Garageman’s daughter…..

Suddenly, you are placed in a social caste: blue collar skilled labor.

And you instantly accrue all the reputation of Joe’s entire family in the community, which can be good or bad.

With one little bit of identity, you are suddenly the granddaughter of a preacher or a milkman, a famous engineer…. or an infamous criminal. The reputation and social class and peculiarities of your known ancestors attach to you like a coat of glue, and with it, your nationality, too.

Suddenly, your little self is transformed into an Englishman, a German, a Japanese, an Egyptian, a Greek, or whatever other nationality.

And the one-size-fits-all box of race clamps down around us like a prison. You are black or you are white or you are…. I always thought it would be fun to paint myself with pink polka dots and see what they could say?

Would I soon have my own race? The rare albino Pink Polka Dot Variant Caucasian, only captured once in the wild.

All these boxes are rapidly followed by boxes representing age and presumptions about people of your age. You are five so you are this. You are ten, so you are that….

And economic status gets added to the mix: you are poor, you are really poor, you are middle class, or you are wealthy — at least according to what your parents have accrued.

And sex. Let’s not forget that. You have to be categorized one or the other and submit to that. Bring on the ruffled pink pantaloons for girls and the denim overalls for boys.

Then, there’s religion. You are Catholic or Protestant, Muslim or Hindu, Buddhist or Wiccan or whatever else, because that is what your parents are.

And politics, too. You are Republican or Democrat, Green Party or Communist or Fascist, Socialist, Social Democrat —- also, in the beginning, because that’s what your parents adopt.

All of this happens automatically, with no say in it from your own self. You are just the object, having all these layers of “identity” applied to you like so many layers of paint.

And there you are, all trussed up, and ready to be doused with fear, shame and guilt, should you disappoint the expectations of everyone else, based on all these layers of identity already applied to you.

Do you notice something odd? You are not allowed to identify yourself.

From the day you are born, you are never allowed to identify yourself.

You are destined to live your life in this cocoon of identity woven around you like a spider’s dinner napkin, and if you don’t wake up and question this, this is how you will die, too.

Peter John Olafson, Norwegian, age 58, Protestant…..

Linda Sue St.Pierre, Canadian, age 19, Catholic….

Almut al Fayed, Egyptian, age 90, Muslim….

Jaimie el Soria-Hernandez, age 30, Spanish….

While this can be comforting, it is also crippling. Slavery is when you experience things determined by others, and from this, it is easy to see that to a greater or lesser extent, we are all enslaved from the moment we arrive here— quite apart from having even this externally applied identity stolen from us by governments seeking to redefine us as things: corporations, trusts, special purpose vehicles, vessels, etc.

What are we, poor little beings, little divine sparks, to do, to defend ourselves from this onslaught?

Go stand outside in the moonlight and look up at the stars.

Go stand in the rain without a raincoat.

Lay down on the grass.

Look at grains of sand under a microscope.

Notice the infinite variety of life surrounding you.

Sense the glorious truth that nobody ever tells you, that you are all of this and more, and you are loved more than you could ever know.

That’s who you are, Nameless Ones, Loved Ones, set free. Oh, yes, take your life and your joy, and you be you and me be me, together.

Inherit the wholeness of who you truly are, and forget the boxes and layers of identity for an hour. Laugh. Sing. Stare in wonder, for you are in the presence of miracles, and are a miracle yourself. Don’t forget that.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


06 19 21 The Peacekeeping Task Force Issues




 By Anna Von Reitz

We have removed Eric Dingis and placed him on administrative leave, from which he has subsequently resigned. The interim Peacekeeping Task Force Director, Susan Hauck, has also been placed on administrative leave. We are reviewing the situation and the personnel associated with the PKTF to ascertain the cause of the problem(s) and the damage done.

There are a number of fundamental issues to be addressed. The Peacekeeping Task Force, as the name suggests, is supposed to be focused on peacekeeping. Peacekeeping is a function separate from any aspect of national defense or law enforcement.

Peacekeeping is the unique power and responsibility to enforce the Public Law.

This entire country has suffered for lack of civilian public courts and peacekeepers to enforce the Public Law.

We are facing a cataclysmic failure of justice and criminality in high places which results in crimes against the existing Public Law, not war in the absence of Public Law.

These are distinctly different things. Crime is apolitical. It harms everyone.

One responds to crime against the Public Law by summoning the civilian court authorities into Session and electing, deputizing and/or commissioning peacekeeping officers to enforce the Public Law—including the Constitutions.

This circumstance is largely the fault of our foreign subcontractors’ failure to honestly and transparently inform their employers about the situation — the absence of one-third of our government, the absence of half of our banks, and the absence of a complete judicial system, for starters.

As we rouse ourselves to restore our government, our banks, and our judicial system, there is a great deal to do, and much confusion. There are also multiple mercenary forces deployed under color of law, who have been misdirected to undermine and attack the people who pay their bills.

To explain how this works — we, the American Federation of States — have a contract known as The Constitution of the United States, with the Holy See.

The Holy See has hired a municipal corporation doing business as the United States, Inc., to do the work. The United States, Inc., has in turn hired “Agencies” — BLM, FBI, FEMA, BATF, DOJ, etc., to do work for them. This is contractually illegal, as a contract distributes rights and rights cannot be subcontracted — nonetheless, the Holy See has failed its duty, and these subcontractors-of-subcontractors have been allowed to murder people and commit other crimes without accountability and without oversight.

So when Americans are accosted by, say, the FBI, these Americans are being misaddressed by Subcontractors of Subcontractors of Subcontractors—- and because of this two and three-deep Middleman system, the actual Principals have hoped to insulate themselves from being accountable.

The Agencies, which have absolutely no governmental authority with respect to Americans, function largely as foreign mercenary forces acting under color of law —- and they don’t even know their actual duty or lack of standing.

They think they are doing the right thing and they think that they have standing to do it, and they haven’t been disabused of this notion, for lack of our courts to administer the Public Law and for lack of our Peacekeepers to enforce the Public Law.

As a result, America has been riddled with crime foisted off on us by self-serving foreign corporate interests— the same Principals responsible for this despicable Breach of Trust, their Municipal Subcontractors, and their Agency Subcontractors.

Like sharks smelling blood in the water, a host of other kinds of gangs and criminal organizations have descended and started operating on our streets and even in the halls of the State Capitols and throughout Washington, DC. We have become a Mecca for criminals and all manner of piracy and criminality has flourished.

The extent of this criminality is adequately demonstrated by Biden’s admitted bullying and payola scheme with Burisma and the Government of Ukraine.

The fact that such a man could even be considered for the Presidency, much less elected by any means fair or foul, speaks volumes.

It is against this backdrop of criminality in high places that the whole issue of peacekeeping and the need for it must be considered.

Without our Public Courts in Session and without our Peacekeepers in place, there is no security and no safety in this country. We are at the mercy of competing “governmental services companies” and foreign interests operating under international law.

Restoration demands the support of the international community and determination on our parts. We are now exercising our right and responsibility to self-govern, and all fifty State Assemblies are in Session. Our Public Courts are reopening and our people have repopulated their States of the Union. In concert with this, our peacekeeping forces are also assembling.

Constitutional Sheriffs are waking up to their moral and lawful responsibilities, the State Assembly Militias are forming, and the international Peacekeeping Officers, our Continental Marshals, are organizing.

These three peacekeeping forces — sheriffs, militias, and marshals — need to work together to protect the American people from enemies both foreign and domestic.

The mission of the Peacekeeping Task Force is to support each of these branches of the peacekeeping services, to promote cooperation and networking across jurisdictional boundaries, and to help them secure educational and material resources needed to do their jobs.

In other words, the Peacekeeping Task Force is supposed to help and support each branch of the peacekeepers, individually and collectively. They are supposed to be doing this with full understanding of what “peacekeeping” is, and with commitment to the work of peacekeeping.

Additionally, the PKTF is charged with helping our Assemblies and Assembly Members to prepare for civil unrest, supply chain interruptions, and natural disasters. The focus of all peacekeepers is public safety and enforcement of the Public Law—- first, last, and always.

Our Peacekeepers are our first and our last line of defense against criminals and criminality.

We already have five branches of Armed Services and an illegally composed National Guard to fill the boots of every kind of soldiering imaginable. On top of that, the erstwhile Federal Agencies have been armed to the teeth.

And none of them are tasked with enforcing our Public Law.

It is our volunteers who hold the final line between criminality and justice. Our Sheriffs, our Assembly Militias, and our Continental Marshals.

It is naturally very damaging and disappointing to find that the Peacekeeping Task Force has been misdirected despite being given a clear and succinct mission statement and roster of duties. There is plenty of blame to go around, as usual, but we are focusing on correction and staying positive.

We hope to emerge renewed, with a firmer foundation and understanding, and greater fellowship among our peacekeepers at all levels. Meantime, keep the faith and the vision and stay on the sunny side of peace and Public Law.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 19 21 Eff the Parties and the MSM



By Anna Von Reitz

I have long exposed the fact that political parties are nothing but lobbyist organizations, and in the case of the “Democrats” and “Republicans” these lobbyist organizations are generally interested in swinging public money and government contracts to cronies who are either “Workers’ in the Democratic Party Myth, or to “Robber Baron” Corporatists in the Republican Party Myth, and this all amounts to the same thing: theft.

These are all Special Interests feeding themselves at the Public Trough at the expense of everyone else, illegally and immorally, and in contravention of the actual government that this country is supposed to have.

If we had any common sense left, we would outlaw the existence of all Political Parties. Full stop.

The endlessly self-serving, gullible, and otherwise ditzy Democrats have managed to elect hard core Communists to the White House, first Barack Obama, and now, Kamala Harris.

Just read Retired Major General Higginbotham’s report for yourselves— quote:

“Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.

The group’s leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School.” –Unquote.

This information isn’t exactly new, folks, but when and where did you ever hear it during any of the political campaigns, eh? Certainly not a word from either political party.

No information from the Mainstream Media, either. Not a peep. Just a lot of bowing down and kow-towing based on the color of a person’s skin, which by my reckoning, is the actual definition of racism.

Well, I’m sick of it. Are you sick of it? It’s time to judge people by who they are and what they do. Now.

If you are an American and “full up” with all this crap, including the institutionalization of racism, commercial slavery, and politicization of science, go here: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net

And tell Harris what you think of her cowardice and refusal to face the mess that she has helped create at the Mexican border and the genocide of millions via medical malpractice and the development and deployment of illegal bioweapons.

Let’s forget about “the outrage of the Left” and “the do-nothing idiocy of the Right” and concentrate on what’s owed to the Middle. Us.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 17 21 More Filthy British Laundry



By Anna Von Reit

Boy, howdy! Things just keep getting worse and worse in the British Isles.

First, it was all the black-robed goons walking in candlelight procession around and around the effigy of a dead baby in a coffin at the London Olympics, now it’s photos of red-robed Coven members sporting the symbol of the military caste of Orion performing rituals at the G7 meeting, and photos of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wife’s latest theater production, a thoroughly distasteful hold-your-nose production of “The Last Straw”, a work based on Aleister Crowley, once rated “the most evil man on Earth”.

That’s what you’ve got running Great Britain these days. Match it up with the equally evil red dragon holding court in the Inner City of London, and you will have all you need to put two and two together and yes, if you are not part of The Liars Club, come up with 4 instead of 5.

Imagine if you will, that this entire world, everything that you see and imagine as substantial, is in fact mostly empty space — and that the empty space is alive and holding everything together, much as the spaces between these words hold the sentence together, even though they are unseen on the page.

Imagine further that this entire construct was made via the power of sound, and woven together from ordering and setting vibratory signatures using electric charges applied to single hydrogen atoms and ions?

There’s really only one unit of construction, seven whole tones, and the unimaginable power and energy of the Voice, the Word, of the Creator.

Have you ever sung in a choir with mixed voices and parts? Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Base? Well, imagine more than a hundred such parts, all combined in infinite complexity, all orchestrated together by the empty space which is universally present and infinitely varied.

And now that you have some concept of this vast choir singing it’s infinitely varied song and have conceptualized the role and importance of the “empty” spaces, pauses, rests, and endpoints within the celestial choir’s concert masterpiece—- imagine that one no-good-nik starts singing off-key.

Just a little bit. Hardly enough to be noticed, but there and off-key nonetheless. If you are listening, you can hear it well-enough and as you notice it, it seems to be amplified, if only because you are aware of it — grating away on your nerves and diminishing your enjoyment and somehow distracting you from the whole glorious concert.

You wish the rat would simply shut his mouth and stop singing.

The silence would fill in and everything would be perfect and good. You would only notice his absence, by the relief your ears would feel, and the increase of your own enjoyment.

Well, folks, Satan is that rat. That one singing off-key.

And unfortunately, his Voice has gotten louder and louder and louder over the years, until he threatens to drown out all the beautiful and harmonious and sacred music that creates this world of ours.

Now, what can we do to put an end to this situation?

We can turn down his volume control, by turning the knob on the mainstream media (Linda T., thank you and your husband, you did exactly the right thing.) and stop listening to the freakish Rockefeller musical scale, which deliberately destroys the healing effect of celestial music and introduces harmful effects, instead.

Buy yourself some Wholetone Music and listen to that. And listen to plenty of silence, to find the well-spring of health and meaning and being.

Rest in that silence and peace after you read this British Gov memo about the “Permanent Lockdown” and who is involved in it—- absolute proof of concerted bio-terrorism via vaccination.





Facebook friends will have to go to my website, www.annavonreitz.com and be patient until it gets posted.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 17 21 About Structure and Purpose Orientation of Assemblies



By Anna Von Reitz

People new to our Assemblies are often like lost ducklings, feeling uncertain about “What’s next?” and “How does this work?”

Many fall back on their prior experience with hierarchical systems and try to rebuild such a structure, at least in their minds, in the Assembly. They ask — “Who is in charge?”

During the assembling phase, and until the Assembly is fully functional and on its own, the Coordinator is in charge of making sure that the Assembly members are properly declared and recorded as Americans, and that the four functions that are common to all American Assemblies are up and going. Once the Assembly is organized and fully functional with these basics in place, the Coordinator’s position sunsets.

Each Assembly has four basic functions and all Assemblies have at least these four functions that they ultimately need to provide:

General Assembly handles in-state business. Business Assembly handles out of state business. Jural Assembly handles court services and issues. Militia Assembly handles militia services.

The State Assembly which is the embodiment of these sub-assemblies is a Committee of the Whole.

So what does that mean? It means we have no “positions of authority” that are executive in nature. We don’t have a Chief Executive Officer, like a President. Our Assembly Chairmen are Spokespersons. Stop a moment and consider the difference that this implies.

Free people endowed and enabled to act in the fullness of their individual sovereignty don’t take orders from anyone, and an assembly of such free people does not assume that any member is less or more important, except that some among us may have more skill or more learning to share, and thereby become leaders in various areas by merit and proven trustworthiness — not because they occupy an office.

Such offices as we have, are offices of service. The Assembly Chairman is the Spokesman for the Assembly, and similar to an American Common Law Judge, the Chairman speaks for the people according to what the people have as a Committee of the Whole expressed to him. He has his opinions like everyone else and he may sometimes disagree with the will of the Assembly, yet it is his duty to pronounce it—- and the Assembly has its free will, except that it is accountable to the Public Law and Custom of our country.

It is not possible, for example, for an American Assembly to adopt Communism as its form of government. If it were to do something like that, it instantly becomes something else — not an American State Assembly and not acting with the lawful standing of an American Assembly. Likewise, if an Assembly were to elect to incorporate itself, it would instantly lose its lawful standing and cease to be an American State Assembly.

All the other functionaries of the Assembly, like the State Recording Secretaries, have accepted the burden of learning skills and employing those skills to perform services for the Assembly— and it’s all volunteer at this point. In our system, it’s respect for the good will and effort that these people make to help other Americans correct and record their political status that we owe— not respect for an office per se.

Ditto our Justices and our Court Clerks, Notaries and everyone else. We are all equal as Americans, and these Americans are respected for their knowledge, their heart, and their work. Not because they hold an office.

At one time it was common throughout America to call Assemblymen by another name — “Committeemen” — because the Assembly functions as a Committee of the Whole and uses Committees to form work groups and do projects.

For the present, we are using the more familiar (though often incorrectly used) “Assemblyman” language to underline the fact that Americans have and hold the right to peaceably “assemble”.

The true purpose of all Assemblies is to provide the people of this country with a voice, both a voice about in-state issues, and a voice in international affairs.

Thus, we have the General Assembly composed of State Nationals and State Citizens to handle in-State business, and the Business (sometimes called “International”) Assembly composed of State Citizens to handle international issues.

Note: because our States are nation-states, the words “international” and “interstate” are synonymous.

Again, sometimes there is confusion and assumptions that some kind of hierarchy is involved, with State Citizens being “above” State Nationals, because they get to vote on international questions—- but this is not the case.

Our Forefathers, in their wisdom, used a system of checks and balances throughout the government structures they created. They were also ever-vigilant against conflicts of interest. As a result, they ordained that there would be a separation of jurisdiction between the County Government and the State Government.

The County has absolute authority over local law within the county borders, subject only to the Public Law and Customs of our country as a whole. Our County Sheriffs elected by each County Assembly is the highest elected peacekeeping official in America. Within its borders, each county is an island unto itself, and it’s only access to the outside world is via its participation in the State Assembly.

This was done to prevent foreign powers from coming in and forming alliances with the County Governments and picking them off one-by-one with promises of emoluments or pleas to cultural and political affiliations.

Similarly, the State Assembly has plenary authority over State-level issues, both in-State issues, and international issues.

As part of their vigilance to prevent conflict of interests, the Founders decreed that only State Citizens — the “People” in “We, the People” who willingly serve the State Government and who have no other allegiance — can vote on international questions that come before the State Assembly, and only State Citizens can serve as commanders in the State Assembly Militia.

This again helps prevent foreign powers from seducing State Governments away from serving the best interests of their States and the people living there. It also helps forestall the possibility that the State Militia could be turned against the people it is meant to serve or otherwise be misdirected.

You can all see the logic and common sense involved here, and also see that the only “superiority” implied by State Citizen status is that of service and unique allegiance.

Americans who work for the Federal Government or serve in the U.S. Military are in fact serving in foreign capacities and can’t serve two governments at once, so until they fully retire and leave Federal employment they can’t serve as State Citizens. Retirees and Pensioners can serve, but not Active Duty or Reserves.

In all these ways and more, our Assembly-based American Government is built around the individual people who ordain its existence, and its sole pre-eminent goal is to protect the people of this country and their assets — a goal that is within our reach the moment we wake up, stand up, and accept the responsibilities of self-governance.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and get started.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 15 21 Committees of Safety and Executive Committees Aren’t For Us



By Anna Von Reitz

I am asking that all State Coordinators be given this information and burn it into their brains.

The Continental Congress delegations set up “Committees of Safety” to connect resources coming from their State Assemblies to the military, that is, to supply the Continental Army, to conduct intelligence gathering, and do contingency planning.

We are not assembled in any Congress—yet; we have no need for “Committees of Safety”, and most importantly, we are not at war. We do not propose to go to war with each other or with our own employees or with employees of our erstwhile subcontractors, either.

We propose to hold those same Principals to their contracts by lawful and peaceful means —- and if they do not concede and correct their operations on our shores, we will show them up to the entire world as criminals that are completely untrustworthy, vile, and lawless.

That’s our “Plan”.

If they contrive to attack us or get any kind of conflict going on our shores, we will Outlaw them and give them no rest until they are driven out of business. Every other country on Earth will know them as oath breakers, con artists, inland pirates, human traffickers, frauds and hypocrites, bullies, murderers and thieves. The US Raj.

Nobody will want to do business with them. Nobody will believe a word they say. Nobody will trust them anymore. Nobody will listen to them. Their own actions will show them up for what they are.

Just like Nasty Gossips caught lying. False Friends that betray a trust. BFFs caught looting your locker.

We humans may have our faults, but we all still know which way the wind blows.

We aren’t preparing for war. We are already ready. We’ve been ready since 1776. Millions of us.

Yes, there is one silver lining in having been abused and conscripted as slaves and mercenaries and occupied by our own Armed Forces. We all know more than we want to know about military operations and running surgeries out of kitchens.

We don’t need any “Committees of Safety” at this point, and if we ever do need any “Committees of Safety” both London and Rome had better kiss their asses and their money good-bye, because we won’t be the only ones coming for them.

So forget about Committees of Safety and forget about those promoting Committees of Safety. They are taking a historical fact, twisting it, and using it out of context. They are misleading patriots into taking actions that can needlessly endanger good people and also potentially provide the Vermin with an excuse to “crack down”.

Don’t take the bait. They are the ones under a microscope. They are the ones on the run. They are the ones that need to be afraid. Keep your nerve. And stay in your lane.

Everyone in your Assembly needs to be clued in and settled down. Everyone needs to stick together and support each other as friends and neighbors. Our State Assembly Militias are perfectly lawful and devoted to Public Safety as Peacekeepers. Not soldiers.

And now I want to point out that “Executive Committees” are foreign to the entire concept of an American State Assembly. The very word “executive” should give you a clue. Our executive power is vested directly in the people of this country, not some clown pretending to “represent” the people.

Our Assembly Chairmen are spokespersons, not executives.

Executives run corporations and the corporations are what have brought us all to this madness and mayhem—-Robber Barons and Bankers out of control, Silicon Valley Nerds, Hollywood Scum, Big Pharma, NEA, CDC, WHO, et al.

Those who are dragging their corporate experience into our Assemblies need to be corrected and prevented from perpetuating the same evils all over again. Remember the plain, simple truth that Hannah Arendt taught—- if we don’t watch ourselves, we become what we hate.

Just like the idiots decrying racism and teaching “Critical Race Theory” —- they have become what they pretend to hate: racists teaching racism to others.

When you come to our Assemblies, cast away your assumptions about hierarchy, authority, and “executive power”. Our Executive Power is vested in the Public Law and the people upholding it. Period.

I trust that these two examples are sufficient to point out the necessity of thinking before acting. Liars are not welcome in our Assemblies. Neither are gossips nor pot-stirrers nor power-mongers.

If that’s all you’ve got to offer, people, stay home.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 15 21 Your Banks Progress and Instructions



By Anna Von Reitz

Here’s a quick update on progress for the International Trade Bank (“Blue Dot” Banks) initiatives that are now on the way.

Trade Bank Committees are forming all over the world and people are quickly answering the call. More than a dozen countries are ready to charter their own international trade bank, but having identified people with the correct political standing to act as Founders, and having found competent volunteers to act as bank stewards, fiduciaries, comptrollers, and directors, many of these Trade Bank Committees are stymied by the prospect of writing and issuing an International Trade Bank Charter, and still more are struggling over forming a wholly-owned commercial bank subsidiary.

We have templated a basic charter that covers both bases, so now all that the various International Trade Bank Committees need to do is send us some basic information, we’ll enter it into the template, and send back a charter ready for signatures.

To assist in this manner, we need the following information:

  1. Name of their country: Ireland, Spain, Argentina, etc.
  2. The “Demonym” they use: Irish, Australian, Canadian, etc.
  3. The name of their International Trade Bank
  4. The name of the associated wholly-owned Commercial Bank
  5. The date they want on their Charter paperwork or instruction to leave blank
  6. The names and addresses of the Founders
  7. The names and addresses of the Officers (Steward, Fiduciary, Comptroller, Director)
  8. Any special instructions or concerns.

Send to my attention at: avannavon@gmail.com with the Subject line “Charter”. I will forward it on to our Forms Master, who recommends that everyone secure a copy of Affinity Publisher software to expedite continuing interaction among the various Trade Bank Committees.

Please note that banking, like law, is an occupation of common right —and is not and never has been licensed on the land and soil jurisdiction of any country.

Please also note that International Trade Banks deal in lawful money, not commercial fiat and not military script. As a result, Trade Banks are the correct banks to accept deposits of actual assets, which include “cash value” assets, like silver certificates and cured labor bonds ready for settlement, as well as gold, silver, platinum, jewels and similar assets.

Commercial banks deal in fiat currencies issued by private banks and in military scripts, bonds, stocks, and similar instruments collectively known as “commercial paper”. These forms of “legal tender” are not lawful money and are only used as currencies in the jurisdictions of the sea and the air — not the land and soil.

As such, commercial banks are the correct banks to use to translate and deposit and transfer all forms of legal tender.

Please note— the Americans have a special contract that allows them to “denominate” legal tender as lawful money; that is, Americans can force the commercial banks to count legal tender as if it was lawful money and treat it as such. They can also invoke a “dollar for dollar” exchange rate.

These advantages allow us to redeem fiat currencies of all kinds as lawful money of all kinds, using the fiat USD to Silver Dollar exchange rate as the standard. So, Americans can translate fiat Euros or USD issues into lawful money, and vice versa.

This is the reason that the International Trade Bank network hub, The Global Family Bank, is organized under American auspices and under American Public Law. There is no other country that we know of that has retained its ability to translate fiat money into lawful money and lawful money into fiat.

The actual Americans (not U.S. Citizens) can provide a gateway for the rest of the world and back pre-paid credit and Treasury Bonds as a cash-value asset. We can translate lawful money into fiat credit notes and credit notes into lawful money, resolve debt-credit transactions via offset (thus relieving corporate public debt) and open up a viable escape route from the chaos that will predictably result once so-called “emergency” commodity rigging stops.

On that front, the Bank of International Settlements has been prevailed upon to delay implementation of Basel 3 until January of 2023, which gives us a year and a half to complete the International Trade Bank Charters, Bank Treaties, Asset transfers, and other necessary work.

It’s still a good, stiff schedule to meet on a worldwide basis and we cannot — any of us, any country — afford to drag our feet. Relief of the so-called “Taxpayers” and the corporate public debts of all countries is urgently needed, so let’s boot ‘er up and be on time for once.

And let’s never forget the lessons learned.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 15 21 Here’s How It Goes, American History -101 – 2 The Confederation



By Anna Von Reitz

As we learned in part 101-1, the American Government started out as a Union of former Colonies, which were all geographically-described estates belonging to the people who lived within their borders, and secondly, with an unincorporated Federation of Estate Governments, The United States of America, which enabled the people of this country to speak with one voice in international and global affairs.

That’s the way it was for five long years, 1776 to 1781. This entire country functioned with just two branches of government in place: national and international/global, with all the international and global issues being fielded by the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

So take yourself back to 1781. It’s the height of the Revolutionary War. The various former Colonies described initially as “estates” have become known as “states”. They are bound together in Common Cause against Great Britain.

As of January 1, 1781, there are still only two branches of the American Government in operation — the Union, doing business at that time as “the” United States, and the Federation doing business as The United States of America, which deals with everything else.

This burden of dealing with “everything else” was overwhelming the Officers of The United States of America — men like Franklin and Adams and Jefferson were kept busy trying to navigate the course of international diplomacy at the same time they endeavored to produce and pay for gunpowder at home.

Something had to give, so the Confederation was born.

The purpose of the Confederation was to conduct commercial business for the States.

Each State that was already a member of the Federation chartered a new entity, called a “state of state” organization, and these new business entities, like The State of New York and The State of Georgia, then joined together to form a Confederation.

It was this process that was memorialized by The Articles of Confederation.

The burden of conducting global commercial business was thus lifted off of the Federation and shifted onto the Confederation, though obviously, the States of the Federation remained able to conduct business in the global jurisdiction in the event that the Confederation as a whole or any member State-of-State failed.

Always remember that the Federation conducted all international and global business for a period of five years. In a pinch, it can always do so again, because its members are sovereign States.

The Federation of States thus gave up some powers and duties that were initially its responsibility, and handed them off as a delegation of power to the Confederation of States doing business as the States of America.

A third branch was thus added to the original American Government and by the end of 1781, we had:

(1) the Union doing business as the United States,

(2) the Federation doing business as The United States of America, (3) and the Confederation doing business as the States of America.

The Articles of Confederation create a new and “more perfect union” — of what? The answer is —-American State-of-State organizations, like The State of New York and The State of Massachusetts.

No other union was being replaced by The Articles of Confederation; instead, a new union joining together business entities was being created.

Please note that this arrangement left a Federation whose members were all States of the Union like New York, Maine, and Virginia, functioning side by side with a Confederation whose members were all states-of-states, like The State of New York and The State of Maine.

In the parlance of our Forefathers, we had States and Confederate States, and the “Confederate States” were actually state-of-state business corporations chartered by the States.

This simple difference between States and Confederate States has created one of the most damaging and confusing semantic conundrums in the history of our country.

People who were not taught the difference readily called the Confederate States by the same name as the actual States, and mistook one for the other—- but a State of the Union exists in a different realm and capacity than any state-of-state organization it charters.

An unincorporated State is a sovereign entity; but, a “Confederate State” is a business organization chartered by a State. They are not the same thing at all.

By the end of 1781, you have three branches of American Government in operation:

(1) the (e)states of the United States (national soil jurisdiction);

(2) the States of The United States of America (international jurisdiction);

(3) the States-of-States of the States of America (global jurisdiction).

These represent different functions or “branches” of one government — a Union of (e)states operating as an international Federation of States and as a global Confederation of States-of-States.

In general terms, the Union is supposed to determine everything that happens on the surface of the Earth apportioned to it, the Federation is responsible for the land underlying the soil and for operations at sea, including international trade; the Confederation is responsible for conducting commercial business for the States.

This compartmentalization of duties worked well-enough for the next 79 years.

And then, something happened.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 15 21 ‘End the Mad Cow Confusion About We the People’



By Anna Von Reitz

Let’s end the confusion about who “We, the People” are— once and for all?

There have always been “people” and “People” in this country.

The “people” refers to the General Populace, meaning everyone who lives here; the “People” refers to State Citizens, those who act as Deputies of the “people” in each State to conduct the business affairs of each State, and who are charged to act as Fiduciary Deputies for their State of the Union.

In a free country we all have a choice to make. We can live our lives as one of the people with a small “p”, in what we call a State National status, and owe no duty to the State Government beyond keeping the peace, or, we can step up and shoulder the responsibilities of self-governance at the State level and serve as State Citizens and make decisions as Fiduciary Deputies of the State Government.

This is why it says “We, the People” are setting up the constitutional agreements and committing the State Governments to perform their part, and not “We, the people”.

The People are the State-level Fiduciary Deputies of the States of the Union, the Principals enabled to commit the States to a course of action, and there are no others lawfully empowered to do so.

So, the People, the Fiduciary Deputies of the States, operating as State Citizens, are the only ones who are Parties to the Federal Constitutions and they, operating via their instrumentality, our unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America, are the only ones with the lawful and legal capacity to enforce the Federal Constitutions.

It’s precisely because our States of the Union have not been in Session for decades and our State Citizens have not been identified and active, that the Federal Constitutions have been disrespected and evaded by the other Principals— the British Monarch, the Popes, and the Lord Mayor of London.

They openly claimed that we were “absent”, “in interregnum”, “missing, lost at sea” and so on.

To be fair, we gave them some cause to think this, because we did not qualify our people as Americans after the Second World War, didn’t summon our State Assemblies into Session, and let most of our court functions lapse.

Encouraged to think that they could get away with it by our inaction, the other Principals scurried around behind our backs, registered each one of us as bastard children abandoned on a “battlefield”, and also as wards of their respective foreign governments—- attempting to claim us as property belonging to their commercial enterprises and using us and our assets as collateral for their debts.

THAT, my friends, is what has gone on here. They have preyed upon the ignorant for so long and with such success, that they have grown arrogant and ignorant themselves. At the lowest levels of their administration the drudges responsible can no longer tell who is an employee and who is an employer.

So it is up to us to tell them in no uncertain terms.

It’s also up to us to know who we are.

As things stand, we have millions of Americans who have been deliberately misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and as Municipal CITIZENS of the United States.

This has been done without their knowledge or consent, so of course, they assume that they are Americans and act as Americans—-without, however, being legally “recognizable” as Americans.

If we don’t come forward and identify ourselves and declare our political status —–and record it and publish it—- and organize our own State Assemblies, our employees reserve the right to abuse us and make legal presumptions about us at their “discretion”.

This is the schtick that has allowed these foreign “Special Admiralty” Carpetbagger Courts to prey upon our people with such devastating success. This is why District —as in District of Columbia– Court Judges will sneer at you and tell you that the Constitutions don’t apply in their courts.

The citizenry of the District of Columbia has never had access to any of the constitutional guarantees— only constitutional obligations. If you are not an American, you have no constitutional guarantees, either.

So they have endeavored to take by deceit and legal mechanism what they could never win by open warfare, in the same way that they are now attempting to quietly murder millions of Americans via unaccountable medical malpractice.

This situation must come to an end, both by bringing international condemnation and law to bear upon the Perpetrators, and by “manning up” our own American Government. The sooner, the better.

The first Order of Business is to identify yourself as an American and record your proper birthright political status — that is, identify yourself as someone owed every jot of the Federal Constitutions.

The second step is to join your State Assembly and engage the responsibilities and rights of self-governance.

Yes, you have to DIY — Do It Yourselves —- but you are Americans, after all.

You can do anything that has to be done, as you have proven many times before.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and weigh in.

See this article and over 3200 others on Anna’s website herewww.annavonreitz.com

06 13 21 What Did I Tell You About Killing Their Priority Creditors?



By Anna Von Reitz

I cannot believe that people are still being coerced and “shamed” and otherwise hounded into “voluntarily” being vaccinated with this goop.

As Priority Creditors of these Monsters, we all have a bulls-eye target painted on our backs.

They don’t want to pay us. They make more money by killing us. Wake up.

They are in the process of killing millions of Americans, and have already killed millions of people in India. For God’s sake, wake up. Now.

This isn’t a “war”. It’s a commercial crime. And the British Crown is the main perpetrator. Again. Still. All the people in all the countries that have suffered under the lash of the British Raj since World War II are at risk.

The military isn’t going to save you. The military Paymaster is a British Corporation — SERCO. Haven’t you observed that the military is standing there with thumbs inserted?

They are a big part of the whole problem. They are the ones who have been in control of our money since 1863. Read General Order 100.

The military brought you the first big “public bankruptcy” in 1906. Prior to that, they removed all your gold to “safe-keeping” offshore in the Philippines. The Federal Reserve scam and bondage? The military again. The Great Depression? Kennedy Assassination? Tricky Dick? The Two Party System? The crooked “Government” accounting system?

The Crooked Idiot Biden?

All this and more has been brought to you by Uncle Sam’s Merry Men.

You think the military is going to clean up the CIA when they depend on the CIA and its 78 subsidiaries for all that juicy Black Ops funding?

So here they are, tacitly participating in a “Soft Kill” of the American People that they are supposed to protect against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Here they are, letting drug cartels pour over our Southern Border and transferring money intended for the Border Wall to construction at overseas bases, instead. Leaving us wide open at home.

No more shameful display of cowardice, dereliction of duty, and negligence has been observed in a thousand years. Perhaps they all think that if they stay quiet and don’t move, nobody will notice?

Put the hammer down and call these politicians out.

Do it, knowing that we are going to lose friends and co-workers and loved ones and many will even lose their own dear children because of these profoundly evil men and women.

And because you have all sat on your rumps and let these traitorous fools rule over you.

See this article and over 3100 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 12 21 No Fifth Dimension



By Anna Von Reitz

First of all, there are no “dimensions”.

There is just one ever-expanding non-delimited morphogenic information field. Period. No “fifth dimension” to go to.

Second, there is no “time”.

Time is nothing but a cataloguing system, like index cards.

The characteristic of the information field that we are trying to express as “time” is actually “place” within the information field.

Third, our mathematics is hopelessly imprecise and wrong-headed.

As a result of our math being incorrect, everything else is incorrect– and we can’t get straight until that fundamental flaw is addressed.

This means that our language and our science and everything else, including our thinking process, is more or less fubar, too.

It means that “Einstein” was no Einstein.

And 90% of what we have been taught is bunk.

Members of the military and the scientific community have been shown this, but they have refused to correct the math.

The idiocy and idolatry of the current banking system has been fully revealed, too.

Earth’s “leaders” persist in willful self-delusion and continue to promote sheer hokum for illusory profit.

When we call for new leaders to take responsibility for themselves and their planet, we hear crickets.

Everyone seems to assume that it is someone else’s job. Above their pay grade.

Let’s ask you — look around. Could you do a worse job?

And meantime, psychopathic madness and lies reign supreme:

A full third of the ocean on this planet is dead.

The atmospheric oxygen is down to 15% from 28%.

And the idiots-in-charge are focusing on the build-up of carbon dioxide which is caused by lack of oxygen as the problem.

People are looking to the military to save them.

The military is useless.

The U.S. Military is dependent on Britain. A British corporation, SERCO, acts as their Paymaster. Go figure.

The DOD, which is controlled by EU interests, is useless, too.

Millions of Americans are being coerced into vaccinations.

After the terrible effects of this become obvious, they will be told they did it to themselves.

Nobody else is responsible for the harm done. They volunteered.

Not the corporations that produced the poison.

Not the “Medical Doctors” and others who distributed it.

Not the politicians who rammed this down our throats for profit.

Not Bill Gates, who was already under indictment for maiming and/or killing and sterilizing 750,000 children in India via “vaccines” when all this started.

Not Anthony Fauci, who partnered with Moderna to make a killing — literally and figuratively.

He’s a Eugenicist and obviously, killing and sterilizing those dumb enough to take the shot, was a good result in his view. Culling the herd. Only the fittest survive. The Lesser are slated to die and be used as weapons.

We disagree.

We believe that these men are monsters as bad or worse than Hitler and Stalin ever were.

We believe that they have been given political power under Color of Law in violation of our Constitutions.

We believe that this is an Act of War being carried out under Color of Law.

And we hold every single one of those perpetuating this situation responsible for capital level crimes.

Any other questions?

If you want to save yourselves and your planet, go to:


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

06 08 21 Here’s How It Goes — American Government 101-1



 By Anna Von Reitz

The States exist as separate nation-states, however, they voluntarily joined together so they could operate as a group of united states when and where it served their best interest to do so.

That’s where the name “United States” comes from.

They formed the Union to address their “mutual need” for a common defense and a common monetary system, to establish common weights and measures for use throughout the country and in foreign trade, to choose an official language in which to conduct business and diplomacy, to establish public roads and other public infrastructure promoting development and interstate trade, to promote common trade policies, provide domestic and foreign mail services, etc.—all these and similar mutual concerns were addressed by the Union of States, and all these efforts served to bulwark their well-being as individual States of the Union.

Very early on, within months of issuing The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, these same united states (technically still calling themselves United Colonies) realized that they needed to act as one body in the realm of international diplomacy; otherwise, it would have been too easily to leverage one state against another using economic or military powers. To create this united front, the former colonists created The United States of America, an unincorporated Federation to represent their interests abroad.

From the very beginning, The United States of America has functioned exclusively in the international and global jurisdictions.

The Founders deliberately separated the Union, doing business as the United States, from the Federation doing business as The United States of America, because they wanted to establish a separation of powers, with the United States in control of what happened at home, and The United States of America in control of what happened abroad.

Probably no other single issue has created more confusion than the proliferation of entities doing business variously as “the” United States over the years. It is important for Americans to realize that this appellation has applied to different organizations and business entities at different times in our government’s development.

In the early years “the United States” referred to the Union of Colonies and later, the Union of States —and this is the entity being referred to as “the United States” in all the early treaties and diplomatic documents. After the adoption of the Federal Constitutions, this same name “the United States” was applied to the American Federal Republic, while the original Union of States became known as The United States. Then, after the Civil War, when the American Federal Republic ceased to operate, the Municipal Government began using the name “the United States”.

Today, these same three words, “the United States” have to be interpreted from context, both in terms of the subject matter of documents and the time in which the documents were written, and they can mean:

(1) the name of the country as a nation among other nations;

(2) the political union of states being referenced in context;

(3) a federal corporation doing business as the United States.

To the United States, our unincorporated Union of States, properly styled as The United States, belongs the right, title, and interest in the mutually shared powers of the county governments which allow this version of “United States” to do things like establish an interstate highway system.

The name “The United States of America” is far less ambiguous, though it has suffered, too, and has to be interpreted according to time and context.

The United States of America was and still is the Proper Name of our unincorporated Federation of States. To this Federation belongs the right, title, and interest in the mutually shared powers of the State Governments, which allows it to do things like represent the actual States in foreign diplomatic venues and international courts.

Beginning after the adoption of the Federal Constitutions, another entity called “the” United States of America appeared, this and was adopted as the name of the British-affiliated Territorial Government Please note that the definite article, “the” is not and never was part of the official name of this entity.

Later, various corporations infringed upon our Good Name, most notably a Scottish commercial corporation that did business as “The United States of America” — Incorporated from 1868 to 1907, and the United States of America, Inc., a Delaware Corporation formed by the Roman Catholic Church that operated from 1925 to 1933, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a Municipal Government corporation and the USA, Inc., a Territorial-owned Municipal Corporation….

Today, the words “United States of America” may mean:

(1) the generalized name of the country in international jurisdiction;(2) the unincorporated Federation of States;

(3) the British-affiliated Territorial Government;

(4) any one of a number of corporations past and present doing business “as” some version of “United States of America” without permission.

These, then, are the principal entities that started the ball rolling and operated the entire government for the first five years, 1776 to 1781:

(1) the Union of states known variously as “the United States” holding mutually shared powers delegated to it by the county governments, operating exclusively in national (soil) jurisdiction;

(2) the Federation of States known as “The United States of America” holding mutually shared powers delegated to it by the State Governments, operating exclusively in international (land and sea) and/or global (air) jurisdictions.

In 1781, the Union and the Federation were joined by the Confederation of States, organized under The Articles of Confederation. This entity doing business as the States of America, was a commercial business enterprise operating exclusively in the global (air) jurisdiction. But that’s another story.

For now, concentrate on how this American Government began— with a Union of counties (national soil jurisdiction) called the United States, and a Federation of States (international land and sea and air jurisdiction) called The United States of America.

See this article and over 3100 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com